Badges 101

Let's get creative and create a badge!


For this course, we are going to create a badge using one of the courses that has already been created by MobileMind if you purchased our ready-made content. If you didn't purchase any content, feel free to use a course you created.

Step 1: From your HQ Dashboard, click on Content, then Create, then Badges.

1- HQ dash

Step 2: Click Create Badge

2- create badge

Step 3: Put in a title and use the search filters to find a course you would like to use for this badge. I chose the Chrome Bookmark course.

Note: For this badge, I wanted to make sure it was one that would be reviewed automatically and not one that I would have to wait for someone to manually review it. This way, when you move on to Badges 102, the badge will be awarded to you automatically.

3- title and search

When you click on the course, you will see a green line on the left and it will be listed at the bottom left.

green line


Step 4: Click on Badge Studio in the middle of the blank badge.

4- badge studio-1

Step 5: Use the search filter to find an image. You can also choose to upload your own image if you would prefer.

5- inage search

upload own image

Step 6: Click on the star and the outer ring to change those colors.

6- colors

Step : Click Save and Use

7- save and use

Step 8: If you would like, you can choose to make this badge visible to only certain groups.

group visibility

You will now see your badge in your list of badges.



You have now created your first badge! You are ready to move on to Badges 102 where you will earn this badge!