Can we add our district logo and a signature to our learning path and event certificates?


Add District Logo and Signature/Title in Organization Settings

From your profile icon in HQ, click on Organization Settings. scroll down and you will now see the option to add a district logo. 

1- org settings

2- org settings- logo

Upload an image of your district logo.

3- org settings logo 2

Scroll down below that and you will see a space to create a signature. Type in the name and the title of that person that will appear on your certificates.

4- org ssettings signature 1

Click on Change Style if you would like a different font for the signature. and then click Save Settings.

5- org settings signature 2

6- org settings signature 3

Event Certificates

From the event creation page, you will now see a seventh section at the bottom of the left sidebar called Certificates. Slide the options on or off that you would like to appear on your certificates.

7- event cert- HQ

8- event cert- HQ 2

This is what your certificate will look like based on your options you chose.

9- event cert- Learn

Learning Path Certificates

From your Learning Path creation page, click Preview in the upper right of the blue banner and choose Certificates.

10- LP- cert 1

Slide the options on or off that you would like to appear on your certificates.

11- LP- cert 2 options

This is what your learning path certificate will look like based on the options you chose.

12- LP- cert