Events 101

Let's jump on in to MobileMind Events and create a single event!

single events


In this course, we are going to create one single event for a training session on District Tech Tools. Don't worry, I am going to give you all of the content you need to create this event! Feel free to copy and paste all of the text in the blue boxes.

From your HQ Dashboard, click on the Events tab.

1- HQ Dash

Click on the date you would like to have your event and then choose New Event.

2- create event

The top three sections of your event creation page are required in order to be able to publish your event and the bottom three are optional.


Enter a title, date and time, and a description.

Example to copy:

District Tech Tools

In this session we will be showing you all of the tools that you will have automatic access. You will be able to go ahead and get logged into all of these tools. We have courses for many of these already in the MobileMind platform.

3- details 1

Choose the Type of event this will be (In person, Virtual, or Blended). 

Note: If you choose virtual or blended there will be a space for the meeting link on the location page.

4- details 2

Choose the difficulty level.

5- details 3

Choose a category and add some tag words.

We highly recommend using tag words so it will make it easier for your learners to search for events on their calendar. You could use words like k-5, MS, HS, math, science, special education, etc.

6- details 4

Add a banner any additional notes you may have.

Example to copy:

Banner Force Copy:  I made this in Google Drawings to use as a template. You can download it as a PNG file or take a screenshot of it.

Additional Notes: If you have any specific tools you would like to add to this session, please email Ann Perkins.


7- details 5

2-locationEnter or choose a location for this event.

Enter or select a location and a room number for the event.

Note: The first time you create an event you won't see any locations listed. Once you begin adding locations, you will form your list of locations to choose from. Once you select a location, you can add room numbers as well as add a max capacity to each room.

Note: If you chose virtual or blended, you will see the space to enter the meeting link.

8- location


You can choose to invite everyone in your district to this event or you can choose specific groups of people or individuals if you have already set those up.

9- participants- all

10- participants groups

This is where you will give the participants time credit for attending the event and you can choose to send them reminders about the event.

Note: Participants will not receive the credit until they have been checked into the event. Don't worry, we will get to that later!

11- participants credit and rems


You have the option to add several different types of resources.

Note: Although this section has its own page, these resources will all show up on the main page of the event on the Learn side.

Feedback Form: You can enter a link to a Google Form, MS Form, or any other kind of survey link that you would like to use.

Examples to copy:

Feedback Form: Here is a force copy of a feedback Google Form I created.

12- resources feedback

Related Resources: Here you can add courses and learning paths that you may want your learners to complete prior to the training or after.

Note: This will come in handy when you want to get some basic information out of the way prior to the training so you can really hit the ground running during the live event.

Examples to copy:

I chose the first courses for Nearpod, EdPuzzle, and SeeSaw. You can start typing in the name of the course and it will populate for you. If you did not opt in to have access to those tools, just let us know and we will get them turned on for you!

13- resources- related learning

Finally, you can add a support contact email address, helpful links, and attachments to the Resources section.

Note: The attachments section would be a great place to add a map of the building or great restaurants in the area if you are breaking for lunch!

Examples to copy:

Helpful Links:

14- support links and attachments


Personnel is a great feature that allows you to expand your team even to those that do not have an admin role in MobileMind. You can add teachers and staff as presenters, managers, and secretaries without giving them any permission other than those specific events in HQ!

Note: Anyone that is selected as presenter will have the option to add their bio information. For more information on Personnel roles, click HERE.

15- personnel


In the registration section you will be able to decide the dates and times that registration will be open, a max capacity, the dates and times for the join code window to be open, and you will be able to set reminders for people that have not yet registered.

Note: For the registration window, some people like to leave it open past the start of the event for those that forgot to RSVP before the start time.

16- registration 1

If you set the max capacity for the room you chose it will default to that here, but you can override it if needed. You can also select reminders for emails to go to those that have not yet registered for the event.

Note: If you enter a max capacity, your learners will not be able to RSVP after that number is reached.

17- registration 2

You have the option to choose to have your participants check in with a join code or you can choose to do this manually.

Note: We will show you how you will give out the join code a little further down.18- registration 3

Some people also like to change the join code window to be open ten to fifteen minutes prior to the start time to allow people to get checked in before the event starts.

19- registration 4

take a look

From the Learn Side, this is what your participants will see...

21- HQ View

And here is what your event looks like from the participants view...

HQ View

Although there is so much more I could show you, I want to highlight two things.

From your HQ Events calendar, click on the event and click View.

21- HQ View

Click on the Updates tab on the left sidebar.

You can enter any updates that you would like to send out and you can choose to send the updates to everyone that was invited or just those that have said they are attending. Your update will be posted on the events page on the Learn side for anyone to view.

22- updates

Click on the Participants tab on the left sidebar.

You can expand the join code so it will show up on the entire screen if you are hooked up to a projector and you can generate a new code if you would like to lock the current one.23- join code

If you scroll down, the slide on the right side will turn green when a participant puts the join code in or you can choose to do this manually.

Note: Once they are marked present, they will see credit for the event in their Backpack tab on the Learn side.

24- attended


You just created your first event! If your brain is ready for more, go on to the bonus content!