How can I create recommended events that are taking place outside of my district?

It's always a great idea to let your faculty and staff know what other events are available to them that you are not hosting.

recommended title

  • One of the features you will see when you click on your Events calendar is the all of your Events features on the left sidebar.


  • You have the option to create recommended professional development events that are taking place outside of your district. On the left sidebar, click on New External Event from the External Events section.

new ext event

  • Enter the title, date and time, and a description of the event. You may want to add information in the description for how the learner will get approval and register to go to this particular event. 

1- title date time descr

  • If you would like to make this event available all year without attaching a date, you can select this option.

always available

  • Next, enter the number of hours they will receive for attending the event and choose a category. Upi have the option to select multiple categories if needed, but you will need to split the hours as well.

2- hours cats next

  • You will then have the option to make this visible to your entire district or you can choose specific groups.

3- groups

  • Finally, review the information you entered and click Finish.

4- review finish


  • Once the learner submits their proof of attendance, you will see it in the Pending section of Events in HQ.

5- pending

  • When you open it up, you will see their rating of the event, any comments, proof of attendance and any comments they entered.

6- pending 2

  • If needed you can edit the time or category before clicking Approve.

7- edit cat

  • If needed, you can also ask for different proof than what they submitted and then choose decline. 

8- decline

  • The learner will then have the opportunity to read your comments and resubmit.

9- resubmit