How can our Google Admin force install the MobileMind extension?

Only the Google Admin can force install extensions from the Chrome Web Store.

force install title


1. From your Google Admin Console, go to Devices> Chrome> Apps & extensions. 1- admin console

2. Click on Users & browsers and select and Organizational Unit that should get this extension. Then click the yellow plus sign in the bottom right.

If you don't know how to set up Organizational Units, click we have a MobileMind course on how to do that. You can also use this Google Support Page for directions.

2- Users and browsers- OU

3. Choose to get the extension from the Chrome Web Store. 3- chrome web store

4. Type in mobilemind to the search bar and then click on MobileMind. 4- mobilemind

5. Click Select in the upper right of this box. 4- select

5. From the Installation Policy box, click the dropdown arrow to choose how you would like to install the extension.

5- install

6. We recommend choosing Force Install + pin to browser toolbar. If you choose to Allow Install, your users will have to install the extension themselves. 7- install and pin

7. Make sure you leave version pinning on Not pinned. If you choose to pin it, the extension will not auto-update.

Please note: Sometimes the extension will not auto-update in a timely manner for a variety of reasons. Because of this we recommend that you allow your faculty and staff the ability to enable developer mode so they can manually update the extension. HERE are directions for making sure they will be able to do this. 8- version

8.  Click Save in the upper right of this page. Your users will now see the MobileMind extension pinned to their Chrome toolbar to the right of the URL address bar.9- save

MobileMind Extension Icon

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