It is super easy for teachers and staff to click on a recommended event and upload proof of attendance to an event that took place outside of your district!
Learners in MobileMind will be able to see any events your district or school administrators have added as options to attend and receive credit.
- Dark Blue- Conference
- Light Blue- Single Event
- Green- Recommended External Event
If you would like to see all of the recommended events on one page, you can click on the recommended button on the left sidebar to see all of the events that have been entered by your administrators.
Click on one of the events that you may be interested in attending and read the information your administrator has provided.
Once you have attended the event and have an image of the proof, click Next.
You will upload your image or PDF and then click Next.
Now make sure the hours you are requesting and the category are correct, select a rating, and add any comments about the event and then click next.
Check and review the information you entered and then click Finish.
You will now see that request in the pending section found on your left sidebar.
If your administrator declined an event for some reason, you will see that in the declined section from your left sidebar. You can click the Edit & Resubmit button to make any changes and resubmit.
Once requests are approved, you will see them in the Accepted section of your Events page as well as in your MobileMind backpack in the external approvals section.