How do I approve external PD requests?

Whether your teachers are requesting credit for PD events that they have found on their own or they are requesting credit for recommended events, you will see those requests all in one place.

XPD reviewing


From your HQ Dashboard, click on the Events tab and then click on Pending on the left sidebar. You will see all of the pending requests. Click on one that you would like to review.

1- pending

If needed, you can edit the time or the category for this request.

2- edit cats

You will see the certificate or file that they attached to their request. They can attach more than one if needed and it can be an image, PDF, or document.

3- certificate

You will see the rating the learner gave and any comments if they chose to include them.

4- rating and comments

You can attach any files to the request if needed.

5- attach file

You can now type in any comments you have and click approve or decline. 

6- comment and approve

If you click on Reviewed from the left sidebar, you will see all of the requests that have been approved.

7- reviewed