How do I view a conference on the Events calendar?

Let’s take a look at what you will see when viewing a conference style PD event on your MobileMind Events calendar. 

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On your Events calendar, you will see all of the PD events that you have been invited to and you will see the person with a check mark icon for any events that you have entered an RSVP that you are attending. 

1- view

Conferences are indicate by the darker blue. When you click on one of the PD events, you will see the word conference at the top of the card.  You will also see a description and then you can click the View details button to see more.  

2- conf on card-1

Conference Sections

Conference Schedule Page

From the sessions page, you will see the RSVP button.  You will need to RSVP that you are attending or tentative in order to be able to view any of the session details.  You will see the RSVP button as well as the check in information on each page.

3- rsvp


Conference Details Page

On the left side of the schedule page,  you will see the location (integrated with Google Maps) and the skill level if the creator chose one. If the creator of the conference chose to award PD credit for the entire conference, you will see that time there as well. If they decided to give credit for each session, you will see the time credit on those pages.  


Under the conference title banner, you will see the date and time and the hours you will get credit for if your district admins chose to give credit for the entire conference.

6-details 2On the day of the conference, you will see the space where you can enter the check-in code. In order for all of your sessions to show up in your MobileMind Backpack, you will need to make sure you get checked into the conference as well as each session you attend.

7-checkin code

On the main section of the details page,  you will also see the description for the conference, any prerequisite courses or learning paths if they have chosen to include them, and the badge if they have chosen to include one, and any additional notes.

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Conference Updates Page

If you click on the updates tab on the left sidebar, you will see any updates that have been sent by either the conference creator or conference manager. These will be emailed to you as well. The conference creator has the option to choose to email to everyone that was invited or only those that have indicated they are attending when they clicked the RSVP button, but all updates will appear here on this page.


Conference Participants Page

On the conference participants page, each participant that is attending will also see the first name and last initial of everyone else that has indicated that they will be attending. 


Conference Sessions

Conference Schedule


You can expand the calendar by using the diagonal arrows in the upper left of the session calendar.

11.1- expand arrows


If you want to use some filtering options to search for sessions you may want to attend, click the filtering icon.

filter icon

22- filtering options 2

Click on one of the courses. You can choose to go ahead and RSVP from the session card or you can click View More Details.

12-session card

If there is a max capacity for this session, you will see how many seats are left available.

seats left

When you RSVP that you are attending a session, you will see the attending icon appear on the session. You can view it as an agenda or a list. You can choose to see just the ones you have selected by clicking the filtering icon and then check the box that says Only My Sessions.  


21- agenda list 2

Once you have started choosing the sessions you would like to attend, you can click on the filtering icon and check the box for Only My Sessions to see just the sessions you have chosen to attend.

19-only my sessions

When you open the session to view more details, you will see on the left side the location and any tag words the creator used.

13.0-session left side

In the main section of the page, you will see the RSVP button for this session. Once you click Attending, it will save your seat if there is a max capacity for this event.

16- rsvp session page

You will also see the date and time under the session title, the category for this session, description, presenters, any pre-requisite courses, attachments, event notes, helpful links, and a support contact.

Updates Tab

Just like for the main conference page, if you click on the updates tab on the left sidebar, you will see any updates that have been sent by either the session presenter, manager, or secretary. These will be emailed to you as well. The session creator has the option to choose to email to everyone that was invited or only those that have indicated they are attending when they clicked the RSVP button, but all updates will appear here on this page.

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Session Participants Tab

Many districts encourage their participants to attend different sessions than their team/department members so they can share information with their colleagues. You will be able to see the first name and last initial of everyone that is indicated that they are attending. You will also be able to see how many seats are still available if there is a max capacity for this session.


Session Feedback Tab

Once the session is over and you have been marked present, you will see the session feedback tab if the creator of the event chose to use one.  When you click on that tab, it will automatically open the form for you to fill out.

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Once the conference is over, you will see your certificate in your MobileMind Backpack that you can view, print, or share as needed.


24 certificate 2

How to View and Check into an Event