How do you add links to related courses in a course?

Many learners find it super helpful to be able to easily find courses that may be related to the one they are currently working on. You have the option to add links to those related courses right on the course page!

related courses

From time to time when you are creating courses, there may be other courses that would be helpful to complete or are good for extension or remediation for the skill you are working on.  You have the option to add related courses while creating your own.

From MobileMind HQ, go to Courses in the Content section.

HQ Dash COurses

Settings Page

  • While creating or editing a course, go to the Settings page. On the left side, you will see a field for Related Courses.
  • Begin typing the name of the course and then select from the list.

Rel Course 1

Rel Course 2

Course Selected

  • You will see the list of courses on the left once you have selected them.

rel course 4

Learn Side

  • The Learner will see the related courses on the left and will be able to select them here as well.

rel course 5