How do you check in to an event?

If your district leaders chose to use a check-in code, they will give it to you when you arrive at the event. This wil be used to mark you present at the events.

Im here


You may be asked to check in to the conference and check in to each session. Please note, you district leaders have the option to force the conference RSVP in order for you to view the session details. On the day of the conference, you will see the check-in space open for you to enter the code that your leaders will give you.

7-checkin code

You may also be asked to use a check-in code for each session. When you click on the session card, you will see the space for you to enter the code that the presenter will give you. If you click on View Details, you will see it on the session page as well.

14-session join code

7-checkin code

Single Event

For single events, you will see the check-in space the event page.

7- join code