How do you complete a rubric in MobileMind during an observation or a walkthrough?

complete title

Roles needed

In order to be able to view completed rubrics in MobileMind, you must have the role Org Observation Admin or Group Observation Admin.

If a person should only be able to complete a rubric and not view other completed rubrics, they should have the role of Org Observer or Group Observer.

When you are ready to do a walkthrough or complete a teacher observation:

  • Go to your HQ Dashboard and search for the teacher in the upper left search box.
  • Choose the rubric you would like to use.


  • Click Start Rubric


In the upper right of each criterion section, you will see three options:

  • If this criterion does not apply to what you are observing, you can click N/A to make disable it from this rubric.
  • You will see that criterion go away and it will be marked N/A.



  • If you click the speech bubble, a comment line will open for you to add any needed comments.



  • If you click the toggle icon, you will be able to see the description for this critera.



  • Click on each level for all of the criterion in each domain and then click Submit Rubric at the bottom of the page.


  • You will be able to see the rubric you just completed in the backpack of the person you just observed.



Creating and Viewing Rubrics Roles:


Rubric Roles for Org- updated

Rubric Roles for Groups- Updated