How do you create a Quick Links widget?

In this article you will learn how to create a Quick Links widget that will be displayed on the learner's dashboard. You can include links to websites that your staff might need to access wuite often throughout the day or week.

quick links

We have an optional widget for you to allow easy access to websites your teachers use most often.  You can add to your list as often as needed.

  • This widget is district wide and not available for groups at this time.
  • Please note this is also a course in the HQ Learning Path.  If you would like to view the video instead of going through these step by step directions, please click HERE.

  • From your HQ dashboard, click the Content tab, choose Create, and then Quick Links.

1- HQ Dash

  • Type in the text of the websites you would like to link.
  • User the hyperlink icon to enter each website.

2- titles

3- hyperlink

  • The box on the left will show you what it will look like.

4- widget preview

  • Choose to show in the Learn App or leave it hidden.
  • Click Publish or Save if you are editing.

5- show in learn

  • See the widget now appear on your Dashboard.

6- learn dash

Video Directions