How do you create an event in MobileMind for a classroom observation?

observation event title


Conducting Effective Classroom Observations in MobileMind

Effective classroom observations are a cornerstone of professional development for educators. By observing teaching practices and student engagement, administrators and coaches can gain valuable insights to support teacher growth and improve student learning. We will walk you through the steps of creating a classroom observation event in MobileMind and how to attach one of the rubrics you have already created that can be easily attached to your observation event for a streamlined evaluation or coaching process.

Roles needed

In order to be able to view completed rubrics in MobileMind, you must have the role Org Observation Admin or Group Observation Admin.

If a person should only be able to complete a rubric and not view other completed rubrics, they should have the role of Org Observer or Group Observer.

To create an Observation Event:

  • Click Create Event and then choose Observation.
  • If you only have one of the Observation roles and do not have the role of Scheduler, you will only see the option to create an observation.



  • Details- Enter title (you may want to consider adding the teacher's last name to the title), date and time, description, type, and any additional notes.


  • Location- Add the building and the room number for where the observation will take place.


  • Participants- Search for either the first or last name of the teacher you will be observing.


  • Rubric- Choose the type f observation this will be and then choose the rubric you would like to use for this observation.



  • Registration- Make sure you you choose an end date for the registration so that you have enough time to reschedule if needed.


  • Save as a Draft or Publish
  • We suggest that you choose to notify the partiipant by email and/or push notification in the app.



  • If you single click on the event, you will see who the teacher is that is to be observed and which rubric is attached to the event.
  • If it is the day of the observation or you need to send an update, click on View.



  • Click on Updates if you need to send a message to the participant.


  • You will be able to see if they accepted the invitation for this observation.
  • You can check them in manually or give them a join code for tracking purposes.



  • If you are ready to begin the observation, click on Rubric from your event.
  • Click on the appropriate level for each criterion and enter comments as needed.
  • Choose a level for each criterion and then click Submit Rubric at the bottom of the page.


submit rubric

From the Learn Side:

  • The teacher will be able to view the completed rubric from the event by clicking on Rubric on the left side bar.
  • They will also be able to see it in their MobileMind Backpack under Rubrics.



Creating and Viewing Rubrics Roles:

Org Obs Chart

Group Obs Chart