How do you manually edit users?

From time to time, you may have the need to edit a users information, change what group they are in, or give them an admin role in MobileMind. You can do all of that from the users page.


Users can be managed only by a user with organization role Org Admin.

  • They can be managed manually or via import. This article will discuss how to edit users manually. If you would prefer to watch a video instead of reading the step by step directions, please click HERE.

To edit a user:

  • Go to your HQ Dashboard and select Users from the Account Section


  • Search for the user you would like to edit and press enter or click Apply

2- search

  • Click EDIT on the right side of the table


Make any necessary adjustments 

  • Email address & Name

5- email and name

  • Add or Edit Job Title, Status, and/or Groups (Hold the CTRL or CMND button down to select more than one group.)

6- job- status- group

HQ Roles-

  • Leave blank if you don't want to assign this person a role in HQ.
  • Hold the CTRL or CMND button down to select multiple roles.
  • Click the link for more info on HQ roles on the Edit User page or Click HERE.
  • Click Save User when you are done.

8- blank space

7- roles and save

  • If you are making someone a reviewer, you will the option appear at the bottom where you will choose if you want them to review courses and/or external events.
  • Hold the CTRL or CMND button down to select both


  • If you have reached a license limit and are no longer able to add users, please reach out to your customer success rep or submit a request.

Video Directions