This is our most asked for report. It will allow an org or group admin or reporter to select a single entity (learning path, badge, course, event, or goal) and receive a list of every learner who has completed the entity.
There may be times that you need to know how many of your learners have completed a specific course, badge or learning path or who attended a particular event. In this case, you will run a compliance report on that single entity.
If you would prefer, this is a course in our HQ Learning Path, or you can view the video by clicking HERE.
From your HQ Dashboard, click the Reports tab and then Compliance. You can also add Compliance Reports to your Quick Access links on your left sidebar by clicking the edit button.
If the learner has started but not finished a learning path, it will show how far along they are. For example, if you select Learning Path, you will choose the Learning Path you would like to run a report on and you will be able to see how many courses out of the total number of courses in that learning path they have completed.
First select learning path as the entity that you are interested in viewing.Once you have your filtering options complete, you will see a list of names that reflects those options. You will see how many people have completed the learning path at the top and you will see how many courses people have completed out of the total number on the right.
You can click export in the upper right to export this report as a csv file. When you export the report, you will see a column for the number of courses that have been completed as well as a status column.
You will use the same filtering options for your badge report. It will show everyone who has completed it. The export CSV file will show the date and time of completion.
You will use the same filtering options for your course report. It will show everyone who has completed it and if it is not complete, it will show when someone started the course. The export CSV file will show the date and time of completion. It will also give you their response to the challenge whether it is a URL, image, MC/Poll response, quiz score, and the number of attempts.
The event report will show you everyone that was marked present and how many credit minutes they received. The export report will show you the same thing, but will also include their email address and what groups they are in.
The goal report will show you who has completed it and when and for those that have not completed it, you will see how many courses out of the total number they have completed.
Video On Running Reports