How do you view a single event from the Events calendar?

Single events are going to be types of events where the participants do not have a choice of which session to attend. It will typically be in one location/room.

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Let’s take a look at what the learners will see when they are viewing single session PD events on their MobileMind Events calendar.  

From the MM learn dashboard, you will click the Events tab in the blue banner which will take you to your calendar.  You will have the option you have as a learner is to connect your MobileMind Events calendar to your Google Calendar.  On your Google Calendar, you will only see events that you have RSVP'ed that you are attending and any goals that have been assigned to you. (See the article on Goals for more information on those.) Please note, you will only see events that you have RSVP'ed that you are attending from the time you link your Google Calendar and going forward.

1-events cal

2- add to google

3- add to google 2

When you click on one of the PD events, you will get a description and you can click the View details button to see more.  

4-event details

Click the RSVP button for this event and choose if you will be attending, if you are tentative, or if you decline and then your status will be displayed.  



You will see when the check-in space for this event is if the creator chose to use a check-in code.  Once that check in window opens, you will see a space to enter the code you are given by the presenter.  You will enter the code and then click the check in button. 

7- join code

Details Section

On the bottom of the left sidebar, you will see the date and time, location, and any tag words the creator used.

8-details left

On the main section of the details tab at the top (under the title of the event), you will see the date and time and number of hours of credit you will receive, and the category for this event.

9-details top

In the main section of the page, you will see the description, the presenter's name and bio information.  If the creator of the event chose to include them, you will see prerequisite and replacement courses, attachments, event notes, helpful links, and a support contact email address.

10-details main

11-details main 2

Updates Section

In this section you will see any updates that the event creator, presenter, or manager send to the participants.  These updates will be emailed to you as well.

12- event updates

Event Feedback Tab

Once you are checked in and have been marked present, you will see the feedback button. If you click on that button, it will automatically open the form for you to fill out.


Once the event is over, you can head over to your MobileMind Backpack to find your certificate that you can view, share, or print as needed.

13- backpack

14- certificate

15- certificate 2


How to View and Check into an Event