How is the MobileMind extension updated?

The extension is updated automatically, however, sometimes it might not automatically update in a timely manner for your users for a variety of reasons. Users have the ability to manually update if needed.

version  number

Let's first check your extension version. If you submitted a support ticket and were asked to check your version number, you can click on your profile image from the Learn side. You will see the version number in the bottom of that box.

1- ext version

update ext title

Whether your extension was force installed by your district or you installed it yourself, you will be able to update the extension in this way. 

  1. Click the puzzle piece to the right of your URL address bar.

2- Puzzle piece

2. Click Manage Extensions at the bottom of that box.3- manage ext

3. Turn on Developer Mode in the upper right. If you are unable to do this, your district has not given you permission to do so. If you would like your Google Admin to turn this on for you, click HERE for directions to send them.

4 dev mode

4. You will see the version number in the box for MobileMind. Click Update.

5- update

5. You will now see the extension number has updated.

6- updated

6. Go back to MobileMind and refresh your screen.7- refresh

7. Click your profile image and see that your version has now updated.8- updated version