How to you run the session on the day of the event?

You have your event created, so now it is time to take a look at what you will do on the day of the event!

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Details Section  - This section will show you all of the details of this event.

Updates SectionThis section will show you how to send updates to attendees that can be posted and/or emailed.

Participants Section -This section will show you a list of people that were invited and you can filter by their RSVP response.  You can also manually check attendees in here.


When the time comes to host your event you will go to your Events calendar from the HQ dashboard.  Click on the event and then click view.  





On the details page, you will see all of the same details that your participants will see from their side.  


If you roll your mouse over any of the sections, you will see the edit button appear in the event that you need to make any changes.  



Enter any new updates that you want to send to the participants. You can email the update to all those invited or just those that have indicated they will be attending. You will also see any that you have already sent.



In the first box, you will see the join code for the session and in the second box, you will see the QR Code.

  • If you need to send an invitation to an individual user, you can copy the link in the second box and email it. Please note, the user will need to be a MobileMind user in order to view it.

participants page

  • If you have your computer hooked up to a projector, you can click expand to display the Join Code or QR Code.

3- expand 2

QR Display

  • If you want to lock that code and generate a new one, click on the regenerate button. Once the check in window has passed, participants can no longer enter the join code.   If you need to change the check in window date or times, you can do so by clicking Edit Registration button in the Check In window box.



You can easily filter your attendees by clicking any of the summary buttons.


You will give the join code to the attendees and when the check in window opens, they will enter the code and then click the check in button.  You can also choose to display the QR Code and the participants can check in from their MobileMind app once they are logged in.


On your participant’s page, their button in the check in column will slide to green.  If needed, you can slide this button manually as well.  


If you chose to check participants manually when setting up your event, you will not see the join code information when you are viewing your event.  You will use the slide buttons to check in the participants once they arrive.