How will our teachers and staff check into an event on the MobileMind app?

Your teachers and staff will be able to use the MobileMind app to check in with a join code on their smartphones or tablets.

Click HERE for information on how to download the MobileMind App.

single events

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If you choose to search for the event as opposed to using the join code, you will be able to search for the event and check in using the join code you are given by the presenter or creator of the event.




conference events

You can check into conferences and sessions from the MobileMind app. You can use the QR Code that will take the participant directly to the event to enter the join code, or they can search for the conference or session mannually.


events button



conf sessions

Once you have selected the sessions you would like to attend, click on Your Schedule at the top of you screen.

your schedule 2