It's always a great idea to familiarize yourself with any company's terminology!
Dashboard - The dashboard serves as your central hub for all things MobileMind as well as anything related to your school and/or district professional learning. It provides a clear overview of your learning progress and allows you to easily resume where you last left off. Additionally, your district may utilize this space to share important announcements regarding district initiatives, upcoming events, or new course offerings.
Micro-course - We refer to our courses as micro-courses because we keep our course videos under five minutes and chunk the content, introducing just a few concepts in each one. Your district may choose to include courses that may take a bit longer than ours.
Badge - Earning badges allow you (and us) to celebrate your achievements! These demonstrate competency of a knowledge or a skill. We like to think of badges as a place to hold a small collection of courses. These might be tied to together by a theme, a tool, or could be totally random!
Learning Path - Learning Paths are a themed group of micro-courses designed to give you more structured guidance as you work to achieve particular learning goals. We think of learning paths as a larger collection of courses that are tied together by a theme or a tool.
Backpack - This is page where learners will see all of their achievements. There are certificates for Events, Badges, and Learning Paths that learners can view, share with a link, or print.
Leaderboard- If you have a competitive spirit, you will love the Leaderboard! You can see where you are compared to others in your school or district. You can filter by course, badge, learning path, course time, or event time.
Goal- Your district admins may set a goal that will be attached to particular learning path. You will be expected to complete that learning path by the date they selected. When they create a goal, you can roll your cursor over the learning path card and you will see an "On Track Pace". This will tell you how many minutes/hours you need to work per day or week in order to reach that gaol.
Single Event - This is an in person or virtual event where everyone will stay in one place and not move from room to room.
Conference - If you are having a PD Day with breakout sessions, creating a conference is the way to go! You will have the option to create all of your sessions and even add "personnel" for each session. This would include, presenters, managers, and secretaries.
Recommended External PD- These are events that are taking place outside of your district and hosted by someone else. Once you attend the event, you will go back your Events calendar and upload your certificate or other proof of attendance. Your district admins will review your certificate and either give you the credit or decline it with a comment.
Request Credit for External PD- You can request credit for PD events that were not on your MobileMind Events calendar. Once you attend the event, you will go back your Events calendar and click on Request Credit and upload your certificate or other proof of attendance. Your district admins will review your certificate and either give you the credit or decline it with a comment.