What should I know when getting ready to attend an event in my district?
Events checklist for learners
Login into MobileMindGo to the Events tab
Find the event you are looking to attend
RSVP that you will be attending. (Please note, this does not check you into the event, it just lets the event facilitators know that you will be attending.)
On the day of the event, the facilitator will give you a join code. You will enter that join code to be marked present for the event.
RSVP to the sessions you would like to attend. (Please note, you will see a notification if you try to RSVP to more than one session at the same time, but it will still allow you to RSVP for both. We recommend that you choose “tentative” if you aren’t sure which one you would like to attend.)Click on the filtering icon if you want to search for a specific session and use the search field to enter a word to search for.
Click the filter icon and check the box called My Sessions to see everything you have signed up to attend.
You must check into the conference in order for your sessions to show up in your MobileMind Backpack.