What types of learning paths do other districts create for new teachers?

One of the hardest parts about being a new teacher is you don't know what you don't know! Create a few learning paths for your new teachers to give them a helping hand!

New teachers

Setting Goals and Reflecting Learning Path

I created this learning path as an example for how you could support and keep in contact with your new teachers, but it could also be useful for other groups of teachers and support staff as well. In the course C: Setting a SMART Goal, I have a doc that is a force copy link in the additional resources section. Please feel free to use that force copy link or make a copy for yourself and make any changes you would like. (SMART Goals Template)

LP Description: 

In this learning path, you will learn about the Growth Mindset and setting goals. After brainstorming and settling on an area you would like to focus on, you will use a template to create a SMART goal. You will use this same doc for the entire semester to submit your reflections along the way. We suggest that you bookmark it on your computer or star it in your Drive. Please know, you will encounter some roadblocks and setbacks along the way and we are here for you through it all! We hope you will take some time to enjoy the motivational videos we included with each of the reflection courses!


A: A. Growth Mindset

B. Getting Ready to Set Your Goal

C: Setting a SMART Goal

D: Goal Reflection 1

E: Goal Reflection 2

F: Goal Reflection 3

G: Goal Reflection 4

H: Goal Summary

New Teacher Need to Knows

This learning path is for new teachers to learn how to do things like submit attendance, request a substitute, device management, etc. Since these courses are going to probably be specific to your district, the courses probably won’t be found in the community.

LP Description:

In this learning path, you will learn all about the basic "need to knows" to get your classroom up and running!


  • How to submit attendance*
  • Classroom Device Management*
  • How to submit your lesson plans*
  • How to use the online gradebook*
  • How to Request a Substitute*
  • Submitting a Support Ticket*

District Tech Tools

This learning path would be to just introduce teachers to some of the tech tools they have access to so I only put the first course in the series of courses. Note: We can add the EdPuzzle, Nearpod, and SeeSaw courses to your account with the click of a button! You can also add other content from our partners in from the Readymade Marketplace. To learn more about the Readymade Marketplace, click HERE.

LP Description:

This learning path is to introduce you to the tech tools that you have access to from the district. You will only see the first course of each tool. If you want to learn more, you can go to the Learning Path for that specific tool. 


  • EdPuzzle 1: Getting Started
  • Nearpod A: Why is Nearpod Great?
  • Seesaw A: An Intro
  • Zoom A: Getting Started
  • Using the PearDeck Add-On with Google (Magnolia)
  • Getting Started with Kami
  • Using your Wacom pen

Other ideas for New Teacher LPs:

Think about how you could use different learning paths to support your new teachers. Some you may need to attach a Goal (deadline) while others may be there for them to use as needed. Try to spread some out to be used through a specific time frame. Make sure you include some courses that are manually reviewed to keep the lines of communication opened. Consider using mentor teachers. Create a group for them and allow them to be reviewers on their content. You could think about providing lunch or an after school snack for the mentors and mentees once a month or so and allow them time to talk to each other. Another idea is to send a survey to your current teachers and ask them what they wish they had known as a first year teacher. Let the answers inspire you for new courses to create. At the end of the year, survey your new teachers and ask them what they wish they had known at the beginning of the year to complete your list!

Following IDEA Policies and Guidelines
      • There are a few courses in the community that would help with this.
      • For example, following an IEP, IEP meetings, discipline procedures, accommodations vs modifications.
Getting Ready for Week 1!
      • You could create some courses that would help new teachers make sure they are fully prepared to start the year. For example, you could create a course for what documents need to be signed or filled out by parents, how device roll out will work, best practices for transitioning, dealing with absences and make-up work, figuring out transportation for each student so they all get home the right way, etc.
Reflecting & Preparing for Year Two
      • You could create a learning path similar to the Goal Setting LP, but have them reflect at certain time points and think about what they will do differently next year. This would be a great opportunity to support them and let them know it is ok to make mistakes!
Best Practices
    • Courses could include discipline, writing lesson plans, collaborating with colleagues, SEL, device issues, what to do when (fill in the blank) happens.