How can I access my Google Certified Educator certificates?

The learning paths in MobileMind will prepare you to take the exam. You will still need to take the exam through Google's partner company. Some districts may have voucher codes that their teachers can use to pay for the exam. You will need to check with  your district leaders to see if this applicable to you.

Getting your certificate: 

You can always go back to the Kryterion website to check and see if you passed the exam. If you passed, you can go to Accredible where you will enter your email address to retrieve your certificate and badge.

Upload your certificate to MobileMind:

Once you pass the exam, go to the MobileMind course titled Report: Level 1 Google Certified Educator and upload your certificate so that you will always have access to it in your MobileMind Backpack.

Google Support for Certification Exams:

Unfortunately, once you register for an exam there really isn't anything else we can do on our end.

If you have any issues with registering for a Google exam or if you have already registered and haven't received the email, please click HERE to submit a support ticket to them.