How do I create and manage groups if I am an Org Group Manager?


Who can create and manage groups?

  • In your organization, users with the "Org Group Manager" permission can create and manage groups. This allows the Org Admin to assign a Group Manager to each school, department, or other relevant category. This article will focus on the Org Group Manager Role.

Org Group Managers

Benefits and uses for Org Group Managers:

  • Up to date groups: Org Group managers will be able to keep groups updated when new hires join the district or when employees move positions or school from year to year.
  • Effective utilization of groups in MobileMind: Your district may not be utilizing groups in MobileMind since it is a huge responsibility for the org admins to handle. By using the Group Manager roles, you can hand that off to people who know their staff and the needs of individual schools. 
  • An instructional or technology coach can create and manage groups for the schools they work with directly.
  • A school principal can create and manage groups for new teachers, mentor teachers, specific grade levels, content areas, etc.

To assign one of these roles to a user in your organization, go to your HQ Dashboard and click Accounts and then Users.


Search for the user you would like to assign this role and click Edit on the right.



Org Group Manager

If you would like to give them the role or Org Group Manager, scroll down to the section for Org Roles. Make sure to hold down your control or command key to select multiple roles.

  • Reminder: This role has the ability to create roles as well as manage the users.
  • If you choose this role for someone, you DO NOT need to make them a Group User Manager



Groups can be added and edited by an organization admin or anyone with the Org Group Manager role. Anyone with the Group User Manager role can manage groups that have already been created.

  • Organizations can have an unlimited number of groups. If you have a small district or a small number of licenses, you can keep everyone in one group.
  • Please note this is also a course in the HQ Learning Path.  If you would like to view the video instead of going through these step by step directions, please click HERE.

create groups

From your HQ Dashboard, go to the Account tab and select Groups.

1- HQ dash

  • Click the green + button to the right of the Groups page title

2- add group


  • Group Name - required
  • Image - optional but encouraged
  • Ignore Clever ID and Partner Sections
  • Click Continue to Final Step

3- group info

  • Click Create Group

4- create group