How do you use a course from the MobileMind Community?

Don't reinvent the wheel if you don't have to! Browse through the courses that other MobileMind districts have already created and agreed to share and click "Use This Course" to make a copy of it for your district.


When you are looking to create courses for your teachers to access that are not in the MobileMind library, you can start by looking at the courses that other MobileMind districts have contributed to the Community.

Please note this is also a course in the HQ Learning Path.


From your HQ Dashboard...

  • Click on Course from the Content tab, choose create and then courses.
  • You can also add a link directly to the create a course page from your Quick Actions on the left sidebar by clicking the edit button.

1- create course

Browse Community Courses

  • To browse the courses that others have contributed, click on Community on you left sidebar.


Filter Community Courses

  • Use the filtering options on the left if needed and then choose the course you would like to use.


See Course Preview

  • You will see the course as it will look on the Learn side. 
  • Check the submission type and know that you will be able to edit any part of the course once you copy it.



Copy the Course

  • Click Use this course in the upper right corner and then confirm that you would like to use this course.
  • Click the "Yes Create Course" button.



Course List

  • You will now see the course in your list of courses. It will say "Copy of" and it will be listed as a draft until you publish it.


Edit Course

  • Click on the course to open it up
  • If you have MobileMind Content Genie, you can turn it on to help you edit any section of the course. (If interested in learning more about Genie, click HERE.)
  • Change the title, and then make any necessary changes on the Course Info Page such as category, add additional resources, add tags, etc.




Challenge Page

  • Change the submission type if needed.
  • Change the question if needed.
  • If it is manually reviewed, make sure to add reviewers.



Settings Page

  • Make any needed changes such as excluding it from your course library, release date, group visibility, etc.


Review Page

  • Check to make sure everything looks as you intended.


Save or Publish

  • When you are ready, choose to save this as a draft or publish it.