How do you use the text automation feature?

When you want to use the text submission type, but you want it to be automatically reviewed, you can use the text automation feature.

text submission title


  • The MobileMind Content Genie is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the creation of asynchronous professional development (PD) courses. By leveraging artificial intelligence, the Content Genie allows users to generate course content in a fraction of the time it would take traditionally.
  • If you already have access to MobileMind Genie, it will automatically create the question for you. You can also get Genie to generate a new question if the one given isn't acceptable
  • Click HERE to learn more!

MobileMind offers four different types of course submissions

  • Text, URL, Image, Multiple Choice. Multiple Choice courses are fully automated.
  • URL and Image are graded by human reviewers in your district.
  • With Text submission, the decision is up to you. We offer text automation. Here's how it works.

**For detailed directions on how to create a course, with field definitions, please visit this article.

When creating a course, go to the Challenge page. The first field you will see is the Submission Type field, select Text. 


The field called Review Method will appear with 3 options: Manual, Automatic Review: Exact Match, Automatic Review: Include Words/Phrases.


Manual Review will work the same as before. Submissions will not be automatically graded and will instead go directly to a human reviewer for personalized feedback.


Automatic Review: Exact Match with this method the learner must match the word or phrase exactly (case does not have to match). The learner will get 2 attempts each time to answer the question correctly. If they do not get it correct on the 2nd attempt then the challenge will go to a human reviewer in your district to provide personalized feedback.


Automatic Review: Include Words/Phrases 

  • Using this method, the learner must include the words or phrases you define somewhere in their response. It doesn't matter what other text is in the response as long as the correct words/phrases are located somewhere in the response. There are 2 options here. 
    • ANY with this option the learner just has to include any one of the words/phrases you define.
    • ALL with this option the learner  has to include all of the words/phrases you define.
    • The learner will get 2 attempts to answer the question correctly. If they do not get it correct on the 2nd attempt then the challenge will go to a human reviewer in your district to provide personalized feedback.