I am ready to publish my conference. What things should I double check?

There are a lot of details when it comes to creating a conference. Let's double check a few things before you hit that publish button!

conf checklist title



Did you invite the entire district or specific groups/people?

  • If you invited groups/individuals at the conference level, make sure that anyone invited to a session is a member of the one of the groups you invited. If they aren't, they won't see the events on their calendar even though you invited them.

Did you choose to give credit for the entire conference or each session?

  • If you chose to give credit for the entire conference, participants will receive their credit once they enter the join code. If you want to make sure participants stay for the entire day, wait until the last session to give the join code.
  • If you chose to give credit for each session, make sure you have entered that time on the participants page of each session. Once you have chosen this and saved your conference (even as a draft) you can't go back and change it.

Did you create a MobileMind feedback form for the conference and/or each session?

  • You can use the same one for each session and one for the conference as a whole. You can choose to make it anonymous and you can choose to require it in order to receive credit. (For directions on creating Feedback Forms, click HERE.)

If you added personnel to the conference or the sessions, did you send them directions on what they will have access to in the event?


Have you exported your sessions so you can do a quick check of everything?

  • If you have a lot of sessions, we highly recommend that you export your sessions and do a quick check to make sure all of your dates and times are correct as well as your registration and check-in window times. You will see the "Export Sessions" button in the upper right of the blue banner at the top.
  • This is a handy spreadsheet to have on hand if you need to give someone a check-in code or let them know where a particular session is.
  • You will also see the max capacity you have set for each session on this spreadsheet.

Do you have a max capacity on some of your rooms?

  • When you have a max capacity on a room (location page), the session will default to that max capacity (registration page). You do have the option to override the max capacity for the room by changing it on the registration page.

Do you know where the summary page is and how to use it?

  • You will see the summary page on the left sidebar. You will be able to see all of your sessions at once and how many have registered. 
  • You will also be able to see how many seats are available. This is a great indicator to let you know if you need to try to duplicate a session or add new ones.

Do you know how to use the Updates feature?

  • Many districts like to limit the number of emails that are sent to their faculty and staff. Make sure that when you use the update button, you make sure to choose, "Only Those Attending" as the recipients for the email. The update will stay posted on the Updates page for others to see when they RSVP.

Speaking of emails, did you choose to send reminder emails?

  • The reminder emails on the participant page will be sent to those that have already RSVP'd that they will be attending the event.
  • The reminder emails you choose on the registration page will be sent to those that have not yet registered for the event.

Did someone say emails? We have one more email option to talk about. When you click publish on your conference, you will be given the option to send an email inviting participants to view the conference.

  • If you don't want an email to go out about this conference quite yet, you can choose to not send here. If you go back in and edit anything at all and click Update conference, you will have the option to send it then as well.
  • You can also choose to send an announcement or just post the announcement on the dashboard with information and the link to the conference. If you want to get the link to the conference you have two options.
    • You can get it from the Learn side once it is published.
    • You can click on View from the conference card on your HQ Events calendar. Go to the participant's page and copy the link that is in the center box above the participants.