Learning Paths 101

Let's get crazy and create a learning path!

learning paths

In this course, you will create a learning path from scratch, but don't worry, I will tell you exactly what to do so it won't take long!

Note: I will be using SMART Goal courses that I copied from the MobileMind Community for this example. You can create learning paths using MobileMind ready-made content, courses from the MobileMind Community, or courses that you created yourself. 

You are welcome to copy and paste the text that you see in the blu boxes.

Step 1: From your HQ Dashboard, click Content, Create, and then Learning Path.

1- HQ Dash

Step 2: Click Create Learning Path in the upper right.

2- create LP

Step 3: Put in a title and then do a search for courses using the filtering options at the top. Click on the courses you would like to add.

You will see a green line appear to the left of the course. You will see the courses listed on the bottom left sidebar where you can reorder them if needed by dragging and dropping.

You can use the source filtering option to search for courses created by your district only. (This would include any courses you have copied from the Community.) Reminder: I copied these courses from the MobileMind Community. Click HERE for more information on copying courses from the MobileMind Community.

3- title and search

green line

9- courses

Example to copy:

Goal Setting & Reflection

Courses copied from the MobileMind Community

Step 4: Add a banner for your learning path.

I use Google Drawings to create my banners and then either download it as a PNG file or take a screenshot of it.

Example to copy:

I use this template from Google Drawings.

Step 5: Choose the type of learning path this is.

5- LP Type

Step 7: Add a description for your learning path.

This will show up on the learning path page on the learn side.

6- descrioption

Example to copy:

In this learning path, you will learn about the Growth Mindset and setting goals. After brainstorming and settling on an area you would like to focus on, you will use a template to create a SMART goal. You will use this same doc for the entire semester to submit your reflections along the way. We suggest that you bookmark it on your computer or star it in your Drive. Please know, you will encounter some roadblocks and setbacks along the way and we are here for you through it all! We hope you will take some time to enjoy the motivational videos we included with each of the reflection courses!

Step 8: Add an intro video if you would like. 

This is a great way to add a little context to a learning path. For the learning path I am creating, I chose an inspirational video.

7- intro video

Example to copy:

Inspirational video

Step 9: Select a group if you would like to have this visible to specific people. If you leave this section alone, it will default to your whole district being able to see it.

8- group visibility

Step 10: Click Publish in the upper right or you can save it as a draft if you aren't ready to publish yet.

10- publish

You will now see your learning path in the list on the main learning path page.

11- list


You have now created your first learning path! Go check it out on the Learn side! Now you are ready to go tackle Events!