What types of reports can I run?

Reports are a great way for you to see everything that your learners are accomplishing. Sometimes you may just want a snapshot, while other times you may need more detailed information.


We have a course on reports in our HQ Learning Path, but if you would prefer to watch the video, please click HERE.

Filtering Options

You have the ability to filter the reports you are running by group and you can change the time frame as well. You can also look up a single user.

reports- filter

Types of reports available in MobileMind

Reports- Access
This report will allow you to see when the last time each learner logged in.
reports- access


Reports- Leaderboards
This report will give you a number: Number of courses, badges, and/or learning paths. You can also run a report on the total amount of time spent in MobileMind, but you can also filter that by course, event, and external event time.
reports - leaderboards


Reports- compliance

This report will give you more detailed information than the leaderboard report. For courses, you will be able to see the answers submitted. For learning paths, you will be able to see the status (In Progress and Complete) as well as the number of courses in the learning path they have completed. For more information on Compliance Reports, click HERE.
reports- compliance

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