What do you need to start creating a course? Let's find out!

Let's take a look at the components of a course first. All of this information will go on the main part of the course creation page.
For this course, you will create one course, but don't worry, I am going to make this easy for you! Feel free to copy and paste my examples in the light blue boxes if you don't have content ready to go. I will be creating a course on creating a SMART Goal.
Step 1: Go to your HQ Dashboard and click on Content, then Create, then Course.
Step 2: Click Create New Course in the upper right.
Enter the following information on the main part of the course creation page:
Title: (Required)
If you want your learners to complete courses in a specific order, we recommend putting an A, B, C or 1, 2, 3, etc.
Example to copy:
Setting a SMART Goal
Learn: (Required)
A brief description of what the learner will have learned after completing this course. This text appears on the course card throughout the app.
Example to copy:
Setting SMART goals means you can clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your time and resources productively, and increase your chances of achieving what you want in life. Now that you have chosen an area to focus on, let's write a "SMART" goal!
Apply: (Required)
Explain what the learner will be actually doing for the course challenge.
Example to copy:
Watch the short video and then use the template in the additional resources to create your SMART Goal that you will work on for this semester. (If needed, we can stretch this out for the entire year after we revisit this at the end of the semester.) You will use this same template throughout the semester so we would recommend that you bookmark it on your computer or star it in your Google Drive for easy access. You will submit the same doc for each reflection.
Video: (Optional)
Enter the URL for a video to include. YouTube, Vimeo, and Google Drive videos are currently supported. When you paste the link in, you will automatically see the video appear. If you don’t see the video, the link you are using will not work in MobileMind.
Note: If you are using a YouTube video, make sure to use the URL in the address bar, not the share link.
Example to copy:
Additional Resources: (Optional)
List and hyperlink any helpful or supplemental resources to assist the learner in completing this course.
Example to copy:
Instructions: (Required)
The challenge content for the learner that appears in the MobileMind extension.
Some Examples:
- Please answer the following question.
- Please paste the URL for the file you created.
- Please take a screenshot of…
Example to copy:
Fill out the SMART Goals template and submit the link.
Submission Type: (Required)
When choosing a submission type, keep in mind how many reviewers you have available if you are going to choose a type that requires manual review. We like to think about Bloom’s Taxonomy and do the automated review for topics that are one of the lower levels of Bloom’s and save the ones that are a higher level for manual review.
Note…If you are having them take a screenshot of something that is on their computer you may want to add this to the Apply and Instructions sections of the course…
You will need to take a screenshot of your certificate and upload it to your Google Drive in order to use the screenshot tool in the challenge window or use the “Upload Own Image” button.
Example to copy:
URL (Manual Review Required)
A final question for the learner that will show in the challenge window.
Example to copy:
After filling out the SMART Goals template, please make sure you set the permission to Anyone can view AND comment and then paste the link to submit it.
Answer Choices: (Required)
This will only show if type is multiple choice or a poll. Keep in mind that learners are NOT able to select more than one answer for multiple choice. You can select more than one option as correct, but they will not be able to select more than one answer. We suggest using the phrasing "Which one is NOT correct" instead of "Select all that Apply".
Hint: (Optional)
This will only show if type is multiple choice. The text you enter will show if they submit an incorrect answer.
Reviewer Instructions: (Optional)
This will only show if it is a manual review submission type. These are uidelines for the reviewer to determine whether the challenge was completed. Try to be as specific as possible if you are not the only person that will be reviewing this submission. You could also include a couple of example responses.
Example to copy:
You should see a Google Doc that is the SMART goals template and it should be filled out. Please make sure their goal is measurable and attainable. If it is not, then please provide them with specific feedback on how they can adjust it. The doc should be set to allow commenting as well.
Support Email: (Optional)
Enter the email of the person that the learner should contact with questions about this course.
The following information is on the left side of the course creation page and are mostly just choices for you to make.
Category: (Required)
This can be a category that is one of the MobileMind global categories or you can create categories yourself. (For more information on creating categories, click HERE.
Example to copy:
Curriculum & Instruction
Tags: (Optional)
We highly recommend using tag words to make it easier for your learners to search for courses. You could use words that are for grade levels, content areas, district initiatives, etc.
Example to copy:
goals, SMART
Skill Level: (Optional)
You can choose between one, two, or three stars. Learners can also search for courses by skill level.
Example to copy:
Estimated Time: (Optional)
For this we recommend you think about how long it would take the average user to complete this course.
Example to copy:
20 min
Reviewers: (Required)
This will only show up if you are using one of the manually reviewed submission types. In this case, you need to select at least one reviewer.
Example to copy:
You can select yourself as a reviewer here.
Course Visibility: (Optional)
If you leave this one blank, it will default to allowing the entire district being able to view this course. If you are changing the visibility, we recommend that you only use groups and do not use the job titles. When your learners first login to MobileMind, they choose their own job title from a list and they may have a different interpretation of a job title than you.
Example to copy:
If you created in a group in the Users & Groups 101 course in the MobileMind Academy, you could select that group if you would like. If you leave it blank, it will go to anyone you already have loaded in MobileMind.