When creating conferences that are few things to keep in mind that will help you in the long run.
- Before you get started building your conference
- Please let us know if you have a conference coming up. We want to do everything we can to make everything run smoothly.
- You can go ahead and create your locations and room numbers before ever creating your conference. Once you create these, you will see the list of rooms from the location page when you are creating each session. (From the Events page in HQ- Bottom of the left sidebar under Customize)
- Go ahead and create a general feedback form for the conference and sessions. You can use the same one for each session and one for the conference as a whole. You can choose to make it anonymous and you can choose to require it in order to receive credit. (For directions on creating Feedback Forms, click HERE.) (From the Events page in HQ- Bottom of the left sidebar under Customize)
- Before you click Save as a Draft on your conference
- Go ahead and put in who the participants will be. The sessions will inherit your choice, but can be changed at the session level if needed.
- It is a lot easier to go ahead and choose to invite the entire district and then use groups or individuals for the sessions.
- If you use groups/individuals at the conference level, anyone you add to the sessions that isn't in one of those groups, will not be able to see the conference or the sessions on the Learn side.
- Think about the emails you want participants to receive (or not receive). There are two places to choose email reminders. On the participants page, the reminder will send email reminders once they have registered at the time increments you choose. On the registration page, the reminders will go to those that have not yet registered. You can hold your control or command button down to select multiple reminders.
- Before you save or publish your conference, choose if you want participants to receive time credit for the conference or for each session. If you choose credit for each session, once you save as a draft or publish, this can't be changed.
- Save your conference as a draft
- Go ahead and publish all of your sessions as you create them. Your participants won't see the sessions until you publish the conference. This will save you A LOT of time in the end.
- Once you have a significant amount or all of your sessions created, click the Export Sessions button. You will be able to see all of the session info on a spreadsheet for easy checking. There is also a column for the join code for each session which could come in handy if presenters don't have access to MobileMind.
- Ready to click Publish?
- Once you click publish, you will have the option to send an email with an invitation to the conference. If you do not want an email to go out to the entire district, you can always post and/or send an announcement with a link to the conference so only select people/groups receive the email.
- Make sure you get the link from the Learn Side or from the Participants page when viewing your conference in HQ. The middle box at the top of the page has the conference link.
- Utilize the summary page. When you go to events from HQ and click on your conference and then View, you will see the summary page on the left sidebar. You will be able to see all of your sessions at, how many have registered, and how many seats are still available if you selected a max capacity.
- On the day and the time of the session, you can have the presenter copy the join code and paste it in the Updates section and send to "all invited". Users will be able to easily copy and paste the join code from there. As soon as everyone checks in, he/she can click regenerate code to change it and lock the other one.
For more detailed tips for each section you are creating, click HERE.