Can I add people outside of our district as a presenter for an event?

You sure can! Just let us know how many you will need to add and then see below for some suggestions.

You will need to add the presenters to your MobileMind account, but don't worry, we will give you those licenses free of charge, just let us know how many you need.

Below are our suggestions for communicating how MobileMind works to your outside presenters:

  1. Send them an email letting them know they will be getting a "Welcome to MobileMind" email with login instructions. (See sample below)
  2. Create a group called "Outside Presenters" (Directions for creating groups)
  3. Add the presenters manually (Directions for adding users manually)
  4. Add them to the Outside Presenters Group (Directions for adding members to a group)
  5. After the conference, block those users and then inactivate them during your renewal period. (Directions for blocking and inactivating users)

Sample email to send to outside presenters:

Dear [Insert Name].

We are thrilled to have you join us for our [name of conference] to present on [insert session name]! We use a program called MobileMind for our conference information, registration, and attendance tracking. We will be adding you to the system so you can add your own information for your session. HERE is an article that will tell you exactly how to go in and add any information or resources that you would like to your session. You can even add your bio information!

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.


[Insert Your Name]